Protected Trees

Trees under protection refer to trees that are protected by law due to their historical or cultural value, ecological importance, or beauty and visual appeal. These trees are typically located in public spaces or on private property. As arborists, we understand the importance of respecting the regulations governing these trees and work to ensure that all services related to tree care we provide comply with the standards and guidelines set by the relevant authorities. Our team of experts in tree care is equipped with the knowledge and experience to deliver safe and effective tree care services while preserving the health and well-being of these important trees.

The Consequences of Removing a Protected Tree and How to Avoid Them

Trees play a crucial part in the environment as they provide shade, clean air and aesthetic value to our surroundings. However, not all trees are alike and some have additional protection status, making it illegal to perform any work without permission. If you are considering having a tree removed, it's essential to understand the status of protection for the tree in question and what steps you'll need to take to comply with the legal requirements.